I am Charlie Shon. Flying Things has always fascinated me since my childhood. I have been flying drones since last 7 years. I am the founder of AeroMicro Drone Flight Institute based in San Jose, California. I test every single drone before I write about it.
In my free time, I love to fly drones with my kid. The first drone that i bought was a local Chinese drone from Alibaba. And i remember, i crashed it on a very first day. I want to help young drone enthusiasts about safety and security of drones. Since then, i have purchased dozens of drones and experimented with them.
Through this site, i want to help and educate my readers. You can bookmark my website (Ctrl+D) and visit once in a while so that you don’t miss the latest updates. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook & Twitter.
For Sponsored and Guest Posts, You can contact me through below email. I hope this Site will help you in finding your best drone.
Email: info@drones-camera.com